Painted Work

This archive of painted work rep­re­sents a pas­sion that devel­oped with the help of my Aunt June when I was a young teenager.

Paint­ing is a time of self-reflec­tion that results in imagery for me to con­tem­plate. The work is not cre­ated with a spec­i­fied pur­pose or desired out­come. It is a fluid, nat­ural process that pro­gresses uncon­sciously.

I lost my paint­ing stu­dio in 1997 and never thought so much time would pass before being able to set up a new space to work. But at the same time other ideas started to develop and needed my atten­tion, so it is not some­thing I regret. How­ever, it is some­thing that I look for­ward to devot­ing more time to when it becomes pos­si­ble.

Cre­at­ing makes me feel whole. It is who I am and it man­i­fests in a vari­ety of forms, leav­ing me in won­der­ment.